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bentinckspark sport campus

hoogeveen, netherlands
MTD landscape architecture - Employee

Client: Municipality Hoogeveen

Surface: 27 ha

Activities MTD: Schedule of Requirements for urban development, image quality plan, development plan, technical design, supervision of architecture and implementation

In collaboration with: LKSVDD architects

Competence: parks / country estates, build elements

Ela's role & responsibilities: concept, image quality plan, design

Sustainable education and sports campus in the heart of the city.

A modern and vibrant sustainable sports park situated in a sustainable green housing environment.

Aside from offering organised sports, the city park also lends itself for indulging in unorganised sports, and for simply being there and enjoying the great ‘outdoors’. Located here are a multi-functional activities centre, a sporting route, a beach, an events field, an amphitheatre and play woods.

Here everyone can relax in a pleasant environment, where they can experience an array of (sports)activities around them.

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